;Translate file for Yahoo! Messenger Plus tools: www.yahooplus.fr.st ;File structure designed for Yahoo! Messenger Plus framework ;Mail to kat@olid.fr.st or support@yahooplus.fr.st for howto ;"|1", "|2", and all "|x" chars are replaced with commons strings by applications. ;Insert "\n" char to add carriage return. ;Put "&" char before char to set it as keyboard shortcut (for buttons and menu items). [INFO] ;Infos about language file Language=English LanguageCode=en ;To re-use another language file before default language MainLanguageFile= ;Separate authors names by ', ' chars (dont forget space char) Author=Olie ze kat, Amy ;Separate authors email adresses by ';' char AuthorEmail=kat@olid.fr.st;queeeenofspadez@yahoo.com ;Auto-updated by Languages Wizard Date=17/01/05 21:48:33 Revision=142 [APP] ;Settings for the application HelpFile= DefaultFont= DefaultFontSize= ;Applications versions which use this translation file ;Auto-updated by Languages Wizard Y! Pilot Version= Y! Emotions Version= Y! BitSkin Version= Y! Setup Plus Version= Y! Skin Version= [GLOBAL] ;This section contain all strings used by Yahoo! Messenger Plus components ;Communs MAnnuler=Cancel MApercuDe=Preview of |1 MErreur=Error MKo=KB MOK=OK MTous=All MVrai=True MFaux=False MProgrammes=Applications MArchives=Archive MPar=By |1 MAproposde=About |1 MApropos=About Mnontrouve=|1 not found MRechercher=Search |1 MCeprogrammevasefermer=This program will closed McarilnepeutpasfonctionnersansYahooMessenger=because it could be used without |1 MNouvellelangue=Another language Mnouvellelangueseraeffective=New language will used next time you launch |1 MChoisissezLangue=Choose your language and/or country MTraduitpar=Translated by MEnregistrerSous=Save as MOuvrir=Open MEnregistrerModifications=Save last changes ? MVoulezVousEnregistrerModifications=Do you want to save last changes of "|1" ? MFichierExisteVoulezVousRemplacer=|1 exist.\nOverwrite it ? MYahooMessengernontrouve=|1 not found MProprietesDe=Properties of "|1" MAuteur=Author ;Boutons et menus Communs MBAnnuler=&Cancel MBAbandonner=&Cancel MBValider=&OK MBParcourir=&Browse MBIgnorer=&Ignore MBFermer=&Close MBInstaller=&Install MBAproposde=&About |1 MBFichier=&File MBOuvrir=&Open MBEnregistrer=&Save MBEnregistrerSous=Save &as MBEnregistrerSous3Points=Save &as... MBQuitter=&Quit MBPreferences=S&ettings MBLangues=&Languages MBAffichage=&View MBActualiser=&Refresh MBDossier=F&older MBRechercher=&Search MBYahooMessenger=Yahoo! Messenger MBDesinstaller=&Uninstall MBNouveau=&New MBSupprimer=&Delete MBAppliquer=&Apply MBProprietes=P&roperties MBInserer=&Insert ;Module Home (YSkin) ;Y!Skin strings are re-used by Y!BitSkin too MSelectionnezunfichier=Select a file MThemespourYMessenger=All skins for |1 MSelectionnezundossier=Select a folder MSelectionnezundossieravectheme=Select folder with skin files for |1 MInstallationreussie=Install successful MInstallationannulee=Install canceled MEnvoyerunmessageinstantanea=Send instant message to |1 MAuteurdutheme=Skin author MVersionde=Requires |1 MCommentaire=Comment MVersionconseillee=Version |1 advised for that skin MDossierinstallationdutheme=Skin folder MVisiter=See |1 MEcrirea=Mail to |1 MInstallerSous=Install as MThemeactive=Skin enable MEnregistrementReussi=Save successful MEnregistrementAnnule=Save canceled MDesinstallationannulee=Uninstall canceled MDesinstallationThemeActif=You can't uninstall the current skin of |1 MDesinstallationThemeParDefaut=You can't uninstall the default skin MDesinstallationreussie=Uninstall successful MSauvegarderAvantDesinstaller=Do you want to save this skin before uninstalling it ? MDesinstallerTheme=Uninstall a skin MVersionSuperieureRequise=Requires higher version of |1 MCliquezAutresBoutons=Click here to show another preview MThemesPasCompatibles=|1 and skins for |2 |3 are not compatible with |4 version of |2 MImageFondRepetitive=tile background ;Boutons et menus de Home (YSkin) ;Y!Skin strings are re-used by Y!BitSkin too MBTheme=&Skin MBInstallerquitter=Install and &quit MBActiverinstallation=&Enable skin after install MBNomEtDossierIdentique=&Same folder as name MBActiver=&Enable MCliquerChangerBouton=Click here to show another preview MBVoirFichiers=&Show files ;Module Home (YBitSkin) MURL=URL MDunSeulClic=|1 - only one click - MArchiveZip=Zip Archive MFichierYBitSkin=Y! BitSkin MCompteEnCours=Current Yahoo! account MNonConnecte=disconnected ;Menus de Home (YPilot) MToutYahooSousLaMain=|1, - All Yahoo! at hand - MBDemarrageAuto=Launch at startup MBThemes=&Skins MBScripts=&Scripts MBPermuterTheme=Swap at startup MBServeursdiscussion=Chat servers MBRejoindreunsalon=Join room MBChangeretvoirsalons=Set and show room-list MBVotreCompte=Your account MBAucunFichier=No file MBOuvrirSession=Open session MBVosProfils=Yours profiles MBCréerModifierProfils=Create/Modify yours profiles MBFichiersRecus=Received files MBFichiersPartages=Shared files MBOuvrirDossier=Open folder MBInfosCompte=Account infos MBConfigurationde=|1 setup MBOptionsAvancees=Advanced settings MBCacherSiDeconnecte=Hide when disconnected MBVerifierMisesAJour=Check for updates MBAutresServices=Other services MBAutresRecherches=Other searches MBAfficher=Show MBCacher=Hide MBToujoursVisible=Always on top MBAfficherDemarrage=Show at startup MBLangueEtPays=Language and country MBActiverSalons=Enable chatroom MBActiverConferences=Enable conferences MBLancerAvec=Launch |1 when start MBDemarrer=Launch MBActiverAppLorsSurvol=Activate |1 while mouse over MBToujoursAfficherAvec=Always show with |1 MBAccrocherA=Dock to |1 MBControlerAppEtPlugins=Control |1 and its plugins MBAfficherApp=Show |1 MBVotreAvatar=Your avatar MBDesactiverEffetSonore=Disable sound-effect MBAfficherBulleSurvol=Show bubble's toolbox while mouse over ;Module Home (YEmotions) MEmotionsPersonnalisees=Personal emotions MEmotionsParDefauts=Default emotions MEmotionsParDefautsDe=|1 default emotions MFermerPourNouvellesEmotions=You must close |1 before using new emotions. MEmotionsAffichee=Emotions for "|1" MEmotionX=Emotion|1 MNouvelleEmotion=New emotion MTexteAfficherPourSalon=Text to everybody MTexteAfficherPourS=Text to %s MNomEmotion=Emotion name MTexteEmotionSalon=Send Emotion to everybody in the room MTexteEmotionUtilisateur=Send Emotion to selected user only (should contain a %s where you want the user name to appear) MPartagezVosPensees=|1 - Share yours senses - MDejaEmotionMemeNom=This emotion name already exists . Do you want to keep "|1" emotion name ? MConserverNomEmotion=Keep emotion name ? MEmotionPourSalon=Room Emotion Text MEmotionPourPersonne=User Emotion Text MCollectionsEmotions=Emotions collections MEmotionspourYMessenger=Emotions for |1 MEmotionsDeYMessenger=Emotions of |1 MCollectionsYEmotions=|1 collections MNouvellesEmotions=New emotions MEmotions=Emotions MCollection=Collection MEmotionsPersonnaliseesDe=Personal emotions for |1 MCollectionDe=Collection by MMaCollection=My collection MInformationsEmotions=Informations about this emotions MInformationsCollection=Informations about this collection ;Boutons et menus de Home (YEmotions) MBEmotion=&Emotion MBCollection=&Collection MBEnregistrerCommeCollection=Save as collection ;Module Proprietes (YEmotions) MTitre=Title MNom=Name MEmail=E-mail MGenre=Gender MFemme=Female MHomme=Male MLesDeux=Both MYahooID=Yahoo ID MLangue=Language MInformationsSur=Informations about "|1" ;Module Home (YSetup) MAssistantConfiguration=Configuration wizard MCestTellementPlusFacile=|1, it's so - plus - easy. MOptionsDisponibles=Available options MPeuxChoisirAutreLangue=You can choose another language than |1 and/or your |2 account. MCochezVosOptionsOuSurRestaurer=Check options that you want and click on "OK" button to enable them. Or click on "Restore" links to undo default setting. MFermezAppEtAutresPlugins=Close |1, |2, |3, and anothers plugins before next step !\n(Check programs into your Windows Taskbar on bottom-right) MConfigurerAvecSalons=Setup |1 with chat-rooms of "|2". MConfigurerAvecEmotions=Setup |1 with "|2" emotions. MChoisirPaysLangueCompte=Change country and language of your |1 account MConfigurerAvecRaccourcis=Setup |1 with "|2" shorcuts and searches. MInsererBoutonDans=Add |2 buttons into |1. MLancerAuDemarrageDe=Launch |1 while |2 startup. MControlerAppsAvec=Give control of |1, |2 (and others plugins) to |3. MBrestaurer=restore MAfficherLesCompagnons=Show |1 companions MRestaurerOptionsDefautDe=Restore |1 default settings ;Module Search (YPilot) MRecherchesurInternet=Search on Internet ;Module YMateBar (YPilot) MFermer=Close MOptionsRecherche=Search options MQuaimeriezVousFaire=What's you want ? MOptionsDe=|1 options ;Module About MIncludansleplugin=|3 is a component of |2 plug-in for |1. Download |2 at : MRevisionNum=Release |1 ;Module YahooFinder MIndiquezledossierdinstallationde=Give install directory of |1 MDossierdinstallationde=Install path of |1 MComposantsrequispourlefonctionnement=Features of |2 |3 (or high) required for |1. Search and select |4 file of |2 require for |1. ;Module Reglages MValeurdecleinconnue=Key value unknown MErreurdecrituredelacle=Key writing error ;Module mZipDLLProc MEcraser=Overwrite MFicherdejapresent=File exists ;Module ccSkin MThemeexistedeja=This skin already exists MSouhaitezvousleremplacer=Overwrite it ;Module ccYBSkin MThemeMauvaisFormatPour=This file is not a valid skin for |1. MContientFichiersMemeNom=Contain several files with same name. MErreurInconnueDansModule=Unknow error in |1 module. ;Traductions de dernière minute [YAHOO!] ;URLs des services Yahoo! AccountInfoURL=http://www.yahoo.com/r/ia EditProfilesURL=http://edit.profiles.yahoo.com/config/edit_identity ViewProfilesURL=http://profiles.yahoo.com/ SetLanguageURL=http://edit.yahoo.com/config/set_intl? EmotionHelpURL= AvatarsURL=http://avatars.yahoo.com/ [YAHOO!MESSENGER] ;Pour détecter Yahoo! Messenger quand il est lancé... Inutile depuis YMP 1.7 YahooMessengerTitle=Yahoo! Messenger YahooBusinessMessengerTitle=Yahoo! Business Messenger InvisibleCaption=Invisible ;Nom du skin classique pour YM 6.0 ClassicBSkinName=Classic ;Pour Y! Messenger 6... Inutile depuis YMP 1.7 YahooMessengerTemplateTitle=|1 - |2 DisconnectCaption=???? ;Dossier dans "Application Data" ApplicationDataFolder=Yahoo! Messenger ;Dossiers par défaut des fichiers partagées DefaultReceiveFolder=receive DefaultSharedFolder=shared [YAHOO!PLUS] ;Fichier avec les parametres de serveur de discussion YahooServerIniFile=yahoo.com.ini ;Page HTML de la Y! Bar YBar=ybar.en.html YBarMini=ybar.mini.html [Y!PILOT] ;Fichier avec les URLs localisées de Yahoo! YahooUrlsIniFile=ymsgr.com.ini [Y!EMOTIONS] YahooMessengerEmoteDat=emote.english.yec